Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Hill Country Family Services
114 W. Advogt Street
114 W Advogt St, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
HCFS operates at the intersection of urgent need and lasting change. We foster mental and physical wellness, stability and independence for individuals and families who are in crisis in Kendall County.
HOURS: Random Hangers Tuesday thru Friday 10:00AM - 3:00PM
Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Corner Cupboard Grocery and Nutrition Center Tuesday and Thursday 9:00AM - Noon
SERVICES OFFERED: Providing compassionate case management, financial and food assistance and community resources for an individual and their family in their time of crisis.
PROGRAM DESCRIPTIONS: HCFS operates at the intersection of urgent need and lasting change. We foster mental and physical wellness, stability and independence for individuals and families who are in crisis.
Food – Corner Cupboard Grocery and Nutrition Center: The HCFS Corner Cupboard is a grocery store. Each client is provided with a shopping list with quantities based on family size, the ages of the family members, and special dietary needs. Each client is greeted by staff and volunteers, and guided through the produce section, demonstration kitchen and aisles of healthy food. Discussions revolve around nutrition, portion sizes, label reading and meal planning.
Financial Assistance: Families in crisis find themselves unable to pay for the simplest of things: prescriptions, rent, food and utilities.
Clothes and Household Goods – Random Hangers: Random Hangers, the HCFS retail and resale store, has two main missions: 1) to provide no-cost clothing and household goods to qualified applicants who have a demonstrated need, and 2) to conduct retail sales for clothing, accessories and household goods, with all revenue supporting HCFS client programs.
Case Management: HCFS offers case management by identifying the crisis and helping individuals and families create a plan for individual self sufficiency. By assessing a client’s condition and circumstances, case managers use the information to address short and long term challenges.
ELIGIBILITY REQUIREMENTS: HCFS thoroughly evaluates clients who request financial assistance. Our review includes an assessment of spending for the past 90 days, proof of income, bills and debt. Qualified clients can receive help with water and electrical bills, medical co-pays, prescription co-pays and rent.