Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Belong, a division of SJRC
1400 Ridge Creek Lane
1400 Ridge Creek Ln, Bulverde, TX 78163, USA






Mission and Vision
Our mission is to offer healing and hope to children and families affected by abuse, abandonment or neglect.
Belong, a division of SJRC Texas, a 501(c) (3) nonprofit organization, serves as the lead provider for Community-Based Care (CBC) in Region 8b that covers 27 Texas counties. CBC delivers a systems change
and new way of providing foster care and case management services. Key functions of the child welfare system will shift from the state to Belong. We are responsible for finding foster homes for children in state
care and, as the stages of service progress, providing them a full continuum of services.
Our vision is for abused and neglected children to be empowered to grow up to be happy, productive and caring adults.
Become a foster or adoptive family and be the positive change in a child’s life.
We help connect you with quality child placing agencies in our network to provide children a sense of belonging as well as a safe place to heal and thrive.
These vulnerable children need their communities. We want to ensure they experience less trauma by remaining in their home community while they are in foster care — by maintaining contact with their school of origin, extended family and friends.
FAMILY SUPPORT PROGRAMS: Email for Information OR Call 210.904.0968
> Parents as Teachers (PAT)
Through individualized home visits, learn how to capture the teachable moments in everyday life. We believe all children deserve support so they can learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential.
Parents as Teachers (PAT) provides the information, support and resources families need to help their children develop during the crucial early years of life.
Our newest program CARE connects families with a certified parent educator that provides the support they need to move from surviving to thriving. CARE is a free program that is designed to assist parents through mentoring, support and education. CARE will help provide a positive support system, will teach problem solving skills, connect you with resources and much more! We believe supporting healthy families builds a healthy community.
> Family Well-Being: PAT educators believe anyone that is anyone that is important to your child is important to us. We work hard to support families and promote healthy family relationships.
> Development-Centered Parenting: When parents are familiar with their child’s developmental milestones, they are more likely to have appropriate expectations in regard to their child’s behaviors, actions and reactions. PAT educators are trained experts in developmental milestones from birth to kindergarten!
> Positive Parent Child Interaction: During each home visit, a parent-child activity will take place that encourages positive parent-child interaction AND facilities learning. Because a child’s brain grows the fastest the first 5 years of life, consistent and positive engagement is key!
> Support Groups
Belong offers group parenting classes and parenting support groups. Call or email us today to request a class or for more information on how to participate. View calendar for upcoming support groups.
> Fatherhood Initiative
Belong provides parenting support to mothers AND fathers. We lead a community-wide Father Initiative with the goal of strengthening the father-child relationship by creating opportunities for education and engagement in their children’s lives.