Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
100 Club of Kendall County
124 Old San Antonio Road
124 Old San Antonio Rd, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
The 100 CLUB OF KENDALL COUNTY is organized to engage in all activities necessary, useful, or expedient to encourage, promote, and further augment the safe and effective Law Enforcement, Firefighting, and Emergency Medical services in our primary service area of Kendall County, Texas by supporting first responders, their children, their families, and our community.
Our goal is to assist the First Responders of Kendall County in any manner as they may need; a focus on strengthening their mental health & well-being. We, also assist dependent of fallen First Responders and injured First Responders.
~Hope out of Tragedy ~
We serve the First Responders of Kendall County; Firefighters, Law Enforcement and EMS personnel.
So, what exactly is the "100 Club?" –– Membership in the 100 Club of Kendall County is available to any donor who contributes $100 or more to this charitable foundation. Membership is readily visible to the community through the 100 Club decal for autos and other vehicles.
OBJECTIVES: Our charter provides this organization with a wide latitude to financially assist our county First Responders in whatever manner members of the Board of Directors agree is appropriate for any given situation. The following objectives provide a general overview for addressing the overall mission of this organization.
• Kendall County Line of Duty Death Assistance
• Kendall County Dependent Children Scholarship Fund
• Line of Duty Injury Fund
• First Responder Family Resiliency Program
Please consider becoming an active member of the 100 Club of Kendall County. Any size donation is welcome and all are fully tax-deductible. A $125 (or more) donation will entitle you to both the vehicle stickers and a yard sign!
Connect with us! – https://www.facebook.com/100-Club-of-Kendall-County-326562528527