Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Warrior Cry Music Project – WCMP
607 E. Blanco Road, #552
607 E Blanco Rd, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
The purpose of Warrior Cry Music Project is to work with American Soldiers wounded in defense of our country. We do this by equipping them with musical instruments and lessons to aid in the rehabilitation process, and we encourage a creative musical environment. We also partner with rehabilitation professionals and other organizations that foster Healing Through Music.
Warrior Cry Music Project provides free musical instruments and lessons to military hospitals and injured service members around the country. Our volunteers work with the service members at their bedside and in group sessions throughout the hospital; they also work with healthcare providers to ensure that learning music is beneficial for the wounded.
After the service members are released from the hospital, many move into long-term residential facilities on base, where they may spend 1-3 years while undergoing rehabilitation and other outpatient procedures for their injuries. Many of them are amputees and have a long road ahead of them, physically and emotionally. For many, their only outing is to attend a doctor appointment or an occasional field trip. They do have options for activities, but many are unable or too uncomfortable to take advantage of an outing.
WCMP aims to provide a reason to get out and socialize through music. If they are not able or comfortable as is the case for many, we provide easy and fun one on one sessions with them. Our volunteers help teach our wounded service members to create music, play music, record music and to just have fun.
Our Needs // How You Can Help:
– Warrior Cry has a need for all types of music equipment, ranging from recording software, computers, electric and bass guitars (both right and left handed), small practice guitar and bass amps, tuners, keyboards, electronic drums, PA systems, etc.
– Make a financial contribution; reach out to your contacts to help us secure support.
– Reach out to artists who may be willing to donate tickets for a show or for an auction. They can also donate their time to host a clinic, participate in a Q/A, or just visit with these service members.
– Volunteer to help with the music sessions or with operations, administration, marketing, etc.
– AMAZON SMILE: Did you know you can support WCMP while shopping for your favorite products on Amazon? Just select Warrior Cry Music Project; AmazonSmile donates 0.5% of your eligible Charity List purchases to your selected charity, at no extra cost to you.
[x] American G.I. Forum Annual Clothing Drive: December 5-24, 2021
– What: AGIF Homeless Veteran’s Annual Clothing Drive, benefiting the San Antonio American G.I. Forum
– Ways to help: Purchase from our Amazon wish list; drop-off new/gently used clothing at locations; Donate funds (used to buy immediate needs items for the shelter); Volunteer to help (Christmas morning); Download the flyer and share via social media!
– For more info: please email michellef@warriorcry.org or call 915-373-9879
[x] Look out for our Bottled Water Fundraiser (2022, dates pending).
Contact us! – Warrior Cry Music Project, Attn: Michelle A. Farley
607 E. Blanco Road #552, Boerne, TX 78006
Phone: 915-373-9879
Email: michellef@warriorcry.org or info@warriorcry.org
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/warriorcrymusicproject