Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Kendall County Sheriff's Office Foundation
Mail to: 50502 W. Interstate 10
50502 I-10, Comfort, TX 78013, USA






Mission and Vision
Mission: The Kendall County Sheriff’s Office Foundation (KCSOF or the Foundation) is a nonprofit organization that strives to enhance community outreach while providing additional key resources to best equip the Sheriff’s Office in its mission to protect the lives and property of the residents and visitors of Kendall County.
Vision: A County where residents, families, business, and visitors can feel safe from crime.
Purpose: To offer a tax-deductible pathway for private donations in helping the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office best provide for the needs of its deputies and support staff.
With continued financial help and donations from the communities of Kendall County, the Foundation will help with the following:
> Equip deputies with the necessary equipment, tactical gear and specialty equipment and training to perform their duties safely and effectively.
> Offer financial support for recruiting and retaining the highest quality law enforcement officers and leadership.
> Support strategic initiatives of the Kendall County Sheriff's Office.
> Provide personal hardship assistance to deputies and the surviving family members of law enforcement personnel killed or injured in the line of duty.
> Support any charitable causes allowed by law.
A 12-member board of directors manages the KCSO Foundation. For more information about the KCSO Foundation and how individuals can contribute, visit our website at www.kcsoftx.com or email info@kcsoftx.com.