Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
Kendall County Sheriff's Office
6 Staudt St, Boerne, TX 78006, USA






Mission and Vision
The mission of the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office is to protect the lives and property of the residents and visitors of Kendall County through professional policing, community partnerships, and the efficient management of personnel and resources.
Professionalism - We foster a climate of excellence by recruiting, selecting, and training exemplary deputies and detention officers, and we encourage employee growth and development through extensive training opportunities.
Integrity - To forge healthy, trusting relationships with the people of Kendall County, we insist that employees of the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office demonstrate ethical consistency in their professional and personal lives.
Accountability - We are responsible and accountable for our actions. Thus, we expect our officers to exercise self-restraint in times of crisis, and we expect our enforcement actions to adhere to the facts at hand.
Justice - The administration of law and order is based upon the ideals of justice and fairness for our diverse community. All citizens and visitors--including those suspected of crimes--will be treated with respect, dignity and fairness.
Courage - We will act boldly to serve our community, and we will make tough decisions based on what is best for our citizens and visitors, the Kendall County Sheriff’s Office and the individual employee involved, while acting in accordance with the values described above.
SHERIFF'S OFFICE SPECIAL PROGRAMS (See separate webpage for these programs):
* Crimestoppers: 1-800-348-LEAD (5323) OR SUBMIT VIA EMAIL THRU OUR WEBSITE
* Citizens Law Enforcement Academy: introduces citizens to the agencies that serve our community
* Crisis Intervention (CIT: The Crisis Intervention (CIT) Division is comprised of specially trained Sheriff's Office law enforcement officers who provide crisis intervention assistance to the citizens of Kendall County.
* Blue Santa: Christmas toy drive for children
* D.A.R.E.: Drug Abuse Resistance Education, To keep kids off drugs
* DEA Take-Back Event: Citizens turn in unused prescription medication
* Eddie Eagle Gun Safe Program: Gun accident prevention program
* National Night Out: Annual community-building campaign
* Project C.A.R.E.: Teaches at- risk juveniles the consequences of their behavior.
* Coffee with a Cop: Get to know a deputy over a cup of coffee
>Bicycle Safety and Education
Every spring we put on a Bike Safety Rodeo for elementary children. This event teaches children the proper techniques to ride their bike safely. This is a tough course which works on balance, riding, stopping, starting and when to walk and when to ride.
>First Responders Day
This is a fun filled morning where our school resource officers along with other first responders from around the county line up to greet students as they are dropped off for school. Students are met with smiles, high fives, and even some dancing.
>Civilian Response to Active Shooter Training (CRASE)
Sgt. Klaerner and his school resource officers are certified instructors through Advanced Law Enforcement Rapid Response Training (ALERRT). The Civilian Response to Active Shooter Events (CRASE) course was designed and built on the Avoid, Deny, Defend (ADD) strategy developed by ALERRT in 2004. The class provides strategies, guidance, and a proven plan for surviving an active shooter event. Topics include the history and prevalence of active shooter events, civilian response options, medical issues, and considerations for conducting drills.