Local Nonprofit and Community Organizations
HIS HILL Bible School, Camps, Retreats
102 Mill Dam Rd
102 Mill Dam Rd, Comfort, TX 78013, USA






Mission and Vision
His Hill exists to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all people according to the Holy Bible; to lead them to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior; to promote the Christian faith through evangelism, service, and fellowship among the body of believers; to encourage mission-oriented living and strive to increase the Kingdom of God throughout the world.
As a member of Torchbearers International, we exist to tell others about Jesus Christ and to disciple believers in what it means to be in Christ and to be indwelt by Christ.
An average of 50-60 students enroll in our Bible school program each year. Students have twenty-three hours of in-class Bible teaching each week, taught by both resident and weekly guest teachers.
The goal of our Bible School program is to prepare people to live an effective Christian life wherever God places them. This entails the student coming to an understanding of the believer’s identity in Christ through practical and intensive study of the Scriptures.
We've designed the First-Year Program to move students towards an understanding of the indwelling person of Jesus Christ through the study and application of God's Word. We desire to know not only Who He is but the reality of His life in us.
The Second Year program has been designed as a practical extension to the First Year program. This optional second year of study allows students to interact more closely with teachers and fellow students in classes geared towards a discussion-based format.
CAMP: Our central purpose is to encourage every camper to engage in a living relationship with Jesus Christ and to know the fullness of His indwelling life.
RETREATS: We offer several annual retreats for adults and youth, as well as opportunities to organize your own retreat and use our facilities.